Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Where's the Bacon?

We've successfully completed two whole days of school so far this year and nobody has cried yet. There might have been a little screaming, but no crying. This morning, we nuked some bacon and I stirred up some eggs, then added a little parsley from the front porch: an amazingly quick breakfast, which made me as happy as wearing this shirt does.

Just in case you can't read it, here's a close-up:

One of the more disappointing moments of my life was when I stumbled across an article on Facebook about how eating bacon causes cancer. After fretting over this for a few days, I decided that eating healthy is a thing because we are afraid of dying. And since I am just not that afraid of dying, I can eat all bacon I want! (Okay good health, living to see my grandkids, etc, etc, etc, I'll cut down on the bacon....)

I have one child who is extremely distractible when we are trying to do school, and to make the school room a little "quieter" we installed this curtain:

What's that? You'd like to see what's behind the curtain?

Pay no attention to the boy behind the curtain...

That's a whole lot of distraction covered up right there, and because I was embarrassed to post it in color since it looks so messy, I put it in black and white. Very historical appearing now.

All these pics of the room and finally one of the kids on the first day of school because that's what you do on the first day of school. I was so glad to start back to school finally! Not because they will be gone all day, because, lucky for me, they homeschool, but because we have structure and schedule in our lives again and I need that. Actually, now that I think about it, one of them IS going to public school this year, but he is my least favorite so....

Come on guys, I was kidding about Micah being my least favorite......he's actually my favorite.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Fashionrut Funday Monday: It's Anthropologie baby...maybe!

It's been a while since I have published a fashionrut post, and for those of you who have desperately missed my fabulous thrift store finds, fashionrut is baaaaaacccccckkkkkk!

I could say that I've been too busy watching the Olympics, but that would be a lie. Unfortunately, while four years ago I was all, ''Hey kids we HAVE to watch this!" this year, it's almost totally passed us by. Except tonight we turned it on briefly and saw a 41-year-old, Oksana, from Uzbekistan on the vault.

Guys, the first day of school starts tomorrow for us! I'm so excited! And after the kids saw their little piles of cute school supplies, they are getting excited too. I expect that to last about 27 minutes into the schedule for tomorrow, but we'll see. It is the first day of school, but I'm not planning to wear this great new dress I bought at.....guess where..... the Goodwill for $3. No surprise there! I don't recognize the brand, but I decided that I'll go ahead and say it's from Anthropologie because when you see it......totally, right?!

Without further ado:
This summer has been the summer of working late shifts at the nursing home, and sleeping in like EVERY day, so getting up for church this morning and having time to fix my hair just didn't happen, hence the ponytail. The teal bead necklace is from Noonday, a great place to become a world changer by supporting third world entrepreneurs, so definitely check them out. I really shouldn't wear a dress this short because of my knobby knees. I promise, I'm not growing potatoes under those knees, they've been that way my whole life. And here is another pic of the dress, where I am pretending to love my dog.

Dog lovers, don't be hatin'. I got this dog for my three little boys who I happen to love enough to let them have a dog. And she house trained in like 2 weeks, so she's okay in my book. That's about as affectionate as I get when it comes to an animal.