
Hi, I'm April. 

Wife, mother, child of the King!

I've been blessed beyond imagination. As a child, I experienced the love of Jesus in a little valley in the foothills of the Ozark mountains at a summer camp called New Life Ranch. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one day I would be living there with my husband and five children. While life is often crazy and loud, some of my favorite times have been sitting on my little back porch in the woods sinking into Scripture and talking with Jesus. I fought a 6 year battle with doubt, anxiety, and depression. Those time on the back porch were crucial. And through it I learned to love my Savior more than I ever dreamed possible. The mission of our camp is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and equip believers for ministry. I can think of no greater personal mission for myself as well. 
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I love writing. I've wanted to be a writer since I was a child and created my own little neighborhood newspaper and charged 5 cents a copy for it. Some seasons in life are busier than others, and while I was having babies every other year, and changing diapers for 10 years straight, not a lot of writing got done! But my children are getting older, and don't stick their hands in the toilet or dump out all the sugar when I am not watching anymore, so I've been given the gift of a little bit more time to put to writing all the things the Lord has been teaching me over the years. 

I love to laugh. When I married my husband, people said to me, "Life sure won't ever be boring for you!" He actually likes to count the times he makes me laugh in a day. My kids make me laugh too, when I am not getting caught up too much in the laundry, or fixing meals or telling them to clean their rooms. 

I like running, sort of, not really. But it makes me seem a little more cool, so I'll put that one down here. Actually, one of my best friends in high school and I always went out for the first day of track at school and then quit every year. At least I learned something from it when the coach told me to keep my head straight instead of swinging it back and forth while I ran! He probably should have told me not to swing my arms as well, but you know, one thing at a time!  I'm proud to say that I've run a grand total of 6 5k's in the last few years, so I'm pretty happy about that. 

Well, that's probably enough about me for now. If you are reading all the way to the end of this, I'm hugely impressed! Yay! Welcome to my blog! Let's be friends.